Many of us wonder if it is really alright to ask God for a miracle. Does it seem selfish, like we are trying to control God? By studying many stories over the years I believe it is good to ask for God's interaction in our lives. As long as we realize the results are up to God and God's will, then prayers for God's help and presence seem to make us aware of the miraculous moments around us. Stories like this one may give us a little glimpse into how God truly cares for each of us.
A young woman shared with me how she had experienced a tragic loss as a teenager. One of her good friends was killed suddenly in an accident. One of the special memories that she had with her friend who had died, was how they often used to talk about shooting stars. He was really fascinated by shooting stars and always teased her because she had never seen one.
Many years later this young woman was grieving another loss when a close family member had died. One night she was feeling the deep pain that comes with grief. Sometimes people describe this heartache as almost unbearable. As the young girl was grieving her recent loss, she began thinking back to her friend from high school and missing him also. In the midst of this deep pain the young girl cried out to God and asked for a sign that would help her.
As the girl stepped out of her car she looked up into the night sky. In that moment she experienced something amazing, her first shooting star. The miracle of this experience brought her the peace and affirmation that everything was okay. By waiting all of those years to see this, and then to have just been thinking of her loved ones, she was able to have this beautiful moment.
What does this teach us? Obviously we can't make a shooting star appear as we know the overwhelming number of years that it takes for this event to happen before us. I believe stories like this show that as we try to live a loving caring life, a life that is inclusive of God, that God is part of us in a way that allows the miracle to take place. Could it be that a part of God was working within the young woman to have her reach out a prayer of perfect timing? To allow her to have this beautiful moment of healing love? However it works, I do believe that our faith and belief is often a part of the miracles itself. It helps us to have "the eyes to see."